From sex scandals, demonic doctrines, and song lyrics, to disturbing MTV, should Christians avoid Hillsong?
Witchcraft in the Church

Witchcraft in the Church—Macbethel
“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” – Ephesians 5:11 (ESV)
Does the average Christian today know what the gospel is or even how to share it? Do they really know Who the true, biblical Jesus is? Truth is something we align ourselves with, not something we create for ourselves. The Church today is being bewitched into something that more resembles witchcraft than that of Christianity. In this post, see what voodoo has hexed them and is trying to worm its way into the very heart and soul of what was once called the Church.
Most Christians can’t tell you what NAR, the New Age, Gematria, and Kabbalahism are, or even how to pronounce them. Many Christians believe that no one really goes to Hell; there’s nothing wrong with practicing yoga in the Church (because yoga is just stretching, not Hinduism); sin is a term that is no longer acceptable because it can offend people; it’s ok to practice everything from self-divinity to pantheism to reincarnation because Jesus loves everyone and is in everything. Receiving “revelation downloads” and messages from angels are all good—better yet, getting a free trip to heaven before you die, and meeting Jesus face-to-face is the ultimate in spirituality (unless he comes to you instead, in a private, personal visitation of his own—right where you live, right now). These ideas are false, and acting upon them requires us to commit sins of sorcery, witchcraft, idolatry, divination, and magik.
People think that just because something works that it indicates that they are operating within the truth; it’s extremely deceptive.”
If you’re trying to maniplate God… through some sequence of words in confidence—that by definition is sorcery.”
– Steven Bancarz
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.” – Hosea 4:6 (ESV)
Satan’s deception used to be to dilute the gospel message, lull everyone to sleep, and distract them from the Bible. Today he empowers people by energizing them with false power, a false “Holy Spirit” and another “Jesus.” You see, as long as you’re using His name and “healing” people, not only are you saved—you’re proof of God’s anointing and are a powerhouse of faith, power, victory, and prophecy. If you don’t know how to heal people yet, no problem… you can always attend a “faith activation” class and learn how to heal people yourself (and again, by always invoking “Jesus’” name, by repeating it several hundred times over and over—and as loud as possible, until they think they feel something). If all else fails, you can always take a trip to Hogwarts and let the “experts” activate you instead (but obviously after you pay).
Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”
– Shakespeare’s Macbeth
Evangelical Christianity is morally and spiritually bankrupt. It’s what the Catholic church was 300 years ago in Luther’s day but worse. Bible-believing Christians need to flee the Evangelical Churches that practice these things; they’ve become corrupt and apostate—even New Age and occultic in nature. Even worse are the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Churches, promoting trips to heaven; “Kingdom Now” theology, and that the Tribulation has already happened since we’ve been living in the one-thousand-year Millennial reign of Jesus Christ for the past two thousand years; which basically means that Nero was the Antichrist and that the Church has replaced Israel. The power we each wield is utterly unthinkable because we’re told that we will be the ones that will usher in Christ’s Second Coming and that this will only happen by transforming the world and culture by way of “seven mountains” or spheres of influence before He can return to the earth. Anyone who dares not to subscribe to this apostolic empowerment is shamed and/or is told that they are operating under what they call a “spirit of religion,” aka “a religious spirit” (just in case any of us had missed this point).
Most of these people have no idea that they have been served up a lethal concoction of kool-aid by the cauldron load through false miracles, signs, and lying wonders. Many of them attend Churches where the Word of God is rarely ever preached; the gospel is merely just an “add-on” if at all; experience is the main point of every sermon (not Scripture); and as long as they have loud, repetitive worship (which usually takes place in the dark) and they are “manifesting ‘Holy Spirit’” by jerking and prophesying to one another in Jesus’ Name, then they’re on-track doctrinally, and all of them are on their way to heaven. The sad reality is that if the real Holy Spirit ever left these “Churches,” none of them would even know as they would still be able to carry on just as they are—being steeped in the practices of witchcraft and the doctrine of demons hidden in a facade of what they think is Christianity. Sadly, the truth is, the Holy Spirit isn’t even there; kundalini is! The Holy Spirit may have been there at one time, but not while they reject the Bible and the true, biblical Christ whose name the false spirits use to add to the deception of those that are being deceived. If you yield yourself (and body) as an instrument to other religious systems (such as practicing yoga, believing in karma, seeking private and personal visitations from “Jesus,” etc.), you are consenting to the influence of whatever demonic kingdom is over that system.
Bethel ‘Church’ launches a major ‘damage control,’ cover-up campaign called “Rediscover Bethel”
In 2021, Bethel had launched a major YouTube ‘damage control’ campaign, in a lame attempt to cover up their deception from those who either don’t know their Bibles well enough or are new to or are immature in the faith. They call this new campaign “Rediscover Bethel” which features Senior Leader Bill Johnson, Senior Associate Leader Kris Vallotton, and Associate ‘Pastor’ and Dean of BSSM*, Dann Farrelly. Some of their videos are titled: “Does Bethel Church Teach Grave Soaking?” “Does Bethel Chruch Operate in the Kundalini Spirit?” “What is a Fire Tunnel?” and so on. It’s basically their way of stopping the drain on their bottom line as not everyone who used to support them is doing so now.
3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. 4 In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”
2 Corinthians 4:3-4 (ESV)
*BSSM – Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.

Mike Winger’s Ι Prophetic Uno, art & leggings
“This is nothing more than social engineering at Bethel—where they encourage people to fake prophecy, [and] to make up words of knowledge…”
While Pastor Mike Winger’s first video examining Bethel’s theology was released last February 2018, as the evidence mounts, he now wonders if he should have been “harsh”. In this four-minute clip released on June 25, 2019, Pastor Mike adds to the voices of concerned Christians, and offers a sound biblically based examination of Bethel’s repertoire of alleged prophetic activation tools, including prophetic Uno, art and destiny leggings.
12 False Teachigns of MacBethel
#bethelchurch #billjohnson #krisvallaton
Revealing Truth covers 12 false teahings of leaders in Bethel that are not in the Bible and proide support for each of these claimes below:
Video and site links: Blue Genie…
William Branham anointing:…
All must prophecy:…
Jesus Born again:…
Faith healing and dead raising:…
Courage to leave a legacy:…
Is it always God’s will to heal?…
Spirit of error: show me the evidence:…
Messed up church:…
#bethelchurch #billjohnson #krisvallaton #bethel #bethelredding #falseteachers #falseprophets #williambranham #messedupchurch #nar #newaposolicreformation
Ephesians 5:11 “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead EXPOSE THEM.”
Copyright © 2017 by Loren Grace and Carolyn Hamlett.
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