Flat Earth Deception and why I’m trying not to judge
The Great Artisan & Master Craftsman
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*NOTE: This email is for art submission only, and not for solicitation. To our wonderful friends in India… NO, we are not looking for people to assist us with CEO, web-based offerings such as design and/or management, etc., etc. All such emails will be reported as SPAM, and will go directly to the trash for deletion!
God is an Artist
10 We are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus for the good works which God has already designated to make up our way of life.”
– Ephesians 2:10┃ New Jerusalem Bible (NJB)
Look around. See for yourself. God is an artist extraordinaire!
When we gaze at a beautiful sunset or look at the infinitely varied forms of life we find surrounding us and realize that God designed it all, it is easy to be impressed. God is an artist. The most brilliant, creative artist ever to exist.
But when we look at our own lives and consider what God is doing there, we tend to forget that God is an artist. He is making something beautiful out of you and your life. You may not see the beauty now… you may not even see any design or evidence that God is working—but you will recognize it someday.
God’s intention for you is to be much more beautiful and glorious than a sunset or a school of multi-colored fish. And you will be! God will not fail.
“Wait a minute, preacher. I can see plenty of people that God has failed on. They are anything but ‘beautiful and glorious’—inwardly or outwardly.”
Yes… today. But God is not finished. Many great works of art take a long time. Don’t judge too soon!
SAY THIS: God is a great artist and He is working on me.
– Author unknown
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