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How to become born again, getting saved, come to Christ, salvation, what must I do to be saved?

How to Become Born Again


The short answer: You must be saved because you can’t save yourself.

We need to be saved because we are spiritually dead. Before salvation, we are “dead in [our] sins” and basically on our way to hell whether we beleive that or not. Every human being has sinned and thus created a conflict with God — you, me, Mother Theresa, the Pope, Martin Luther King, the apostle Paul, everyone. Either we choose to accept God’s gracious offer of salvation through Christ’s payment for our sins on the cross or we choose to pay the penalty for our sins ourselves. Guess what guys… good luck with the second choice because no matter how good of a person you think you are right now or how good of a person you plan to be in the future, you can never be good enough to go to heaven because God’s standard is perfect righteousness and you have already failed that standard (and will again). “Getting saved” is like a big exchange of a really bad thing for a really amazing thing… it’s like a big “swap” (your sin paid for by Christ and His righteousness credited to you) is how God can judicially declare you righteous and allow you into heaven.

Being “saved” or “born again” (John 3:1-8) doesn’t mean your life will become easier, or that you are now perfect or “good.” In fact, you can count on being misunderstood, ostracized, persecuted, and maybe even killed for your faith in Christ. If the unbelieving world hated Christ, it follows that they will hate His followers (John 15:18-25). You need to count the cost of being a follower of Jesus. 

Steps of the New Birth

  1. Admit that you are a sinner.
  2. Know that God has already provided the solution to your “sin problem” which is salvation through the Cross (the “how” He made payment for your sins).
  3. Know that only Jesus can save you and restore your relationship with God.
  4. Repent of your sins and commit yourself to Jesus.
  5. Ask Jesus to save you and to forgive all of your sins as it is His blood that washes all of your sin’s away—all your sins: past, present, and future!
  6. Proclaim that God is now your Father—Jesus is your Saviour, and His Holy Spirit is your Comforter.
  7. Proclaim Jesus before others (tell your friends, your family, any and everyone).
  8. One last thing… you don’t have to “do this,” or “do that” as Jesus did everything for you to be born again!

The truth of the matter is… only Jesus Saves! Not any Church, Not any religious acts or religion, nothing but the blood payment of Jesus on the cross alone!

You really don’t even need to read the rest of the article below… Just pray (speaking to God) and ask Jesus RIGHT NOW to transform your spirit and be your life today; asking Him to forgive you, something like: “Jesus, I need you, please wash me clean by your sacrifice, your payment for my sins, come and be my only life now—live Your life in me and through me …and make me a brand new person in You, in Jesus’ name (in his authority), amen (so be it!).” (By the way …a “sinner’s prayer” can’t save you either, just speak with God everyday and love and receive him as no prayer can save you—only what Jesus did on the cross and God alone!!!)

I recommend that you find a Church, one that preaches from the actual Bible (The Word of God), and read it for yourself. Look up on YouTube awesome preaching and teaching that will help you to learn and grow in addition to being a part of a Church body or group. I personally like people like Paul Washer, Chuck Missler and other Bible-believing Christians who are real Christians and who know the One True Loving and Living God—Jesus Christ. And lastly, for those of you who do want a few more details, …feel free to enjoy the rest of the article below. God bless you.

How to be born again spiritually in Christ

How to become born again, getting saved, come to Christ, salvation, what must I do to be saved?


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