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Fake news, mainstream media, lamestream media, media lies

What The Lamestream Media Doesn’t Want You To Know

Why so many people don’t have a clue what’s really going on!

The politicization of media—specifically surrounding viruses and vaccines, the total removal of freedom, and the subjugation of people by governments has reached pandemic proportions. It’s the ultimate erosion of our rights and freedoms. The media has been complicit in all of this. This tyranny, or crimes against humanity (such as racketeering, bioweapons, reckless homicide, and willful murder of massive members of our population), would not have happened if the media would have told the truth.

The general population doesn’t know what’s happening, and it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know.”
Noam Chomsky | American linguist, activist, and author

Disclaimer: I, Coffee Scribe am not an anti-vaxxer. One can not necessarily be a missionary or have served in missions without knowing and/or understanding the importance of being properly vaccinated against various diseases, as have I. Personally, I am not against actual ‘real’ vaccines (with the proper clinical trials), but am against pushing out new forms of experimental and nonapproved* FDA ‘vaccines’ (which is actually a form of ‘gene therapy,’ considered “emergency use authorization only”) without the proper extensive human trials as most other approved FDA vaccines have had. Additionally, if you find it really hard (and just want to yell at these people!) to understand exactly how someone who is pro-vaccine (as am I) can also be against anti-free speechanti-rights, and anti-freedom, then this post just might be for you. With that said, I hope you enjoy this article.

– Coffee Scribe

*After nine PLUS months of pumping out an unapproved vaccine, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) finally approved the Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech (Pfizer) coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine for use of people 16-years of age and older on August 23, 2021. Consequently, as a result of this rush, there have been literally countless multitudes of vaccine injuries as you will see from watching the videos as you read through this article.

You’re actually being lied to
“You are being targeted by mainstream media, government social-engineering campaigns, unjust rules and policies, collaborating employers, and the social-media mob. You are being told that you are now the problem and that the world can not get back to ‘normal’ unless you get vaccinated. You are being viciously scapegoated by propaganda and pressured by others around you. Remember; there is nothing wrong with you. You are inaccurately accused of being a factory for new SARS-CoV-2 variants, when in fact, according to leading scientists, your natural immune system generates immunity to multiple components of the virus. This will promote your protection against a vast range of viral variants and abrogates further spread to anyone else.” – OCLA research, Dr. Denis Rancourt and associates – A Letter to the Unvaccinated.

We’re living in a dystopia dictatorship
We are living in a dystopia dictatorship society of totalitarian control and injustice.—where we need permission to travel, meet, and eat… always advertised for “your own good.”

It’s in your best interest to be isolated; to not see your family; to get vaccinated; to get tested often; to get traced, and to get tracked—‘for your own good.’
Steve Cioccolanti, BA, M.Ed. | Discover Ministries

In the interest of avoiding Big Tech censorship, we suggest you go to Rumble if you want to watch the video “13 Rules of DYSTOPIA / DICTATORSHIP” (referencing Lois Lowry’s book “The Giver”) as quoted above in its entirety at RUMBLE/C/CIOCCOLANTI

You can also order a copy of the book The Giver by Lois Lowry from amazon by clicking here

Giver, The Giver, Book by Lois Lowry, Lowry, Lois Lower, Lois Lowry GiverMass psychosis or reality?
What we are seeing in the news now is “mass psychos:” An epidemic of madness, and it occurs when a large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions which they are all repeating as the established narrative: “follow the ‘science.’” The lamestream (mainstream) media refuses to call mRNA (‘messenger’ ribonucleic acid) technology what it really is, which is “genetic therapy,” which on mass is biologically unethical. The Planet Lockdown video below explains this in greater detail… but first off, let’s take a quick look at masks.

Studies from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) show that social distancing and mask-wearing DO NOT WORK. Based on factual data findings from the NBER of 25 U.S. states and 23 countries, the NBER analysis found that non-pharmaceutical interventions such as lockdowns; closures; travel restrictions; stay-at-home orders; event bands; quarantines; curfews, and mask mandates do nothing to affect virus transmission such as SARS-CoV-2, which is the virus responsible for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (CoViD-19). The current narrative from the mainstream media monopoly of approximately 2,400+ publishers (owned by only six corporations) has seeded misinformation and propaganda to the masses, resulting in the loss of businesses, homes, hardworking individuals’ life work all gone—because of a virus with a survival rate of 99.98%¹ for those 20-49 years old; and 99.5%² of 50-69 years old (which is the majority of working-class people in almost all countries around the world). Stats source ¹ and ²: updated infection fatality – survival rates for CoViD-19 of ‘current best estimate’ from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) CDC’s Scenario 5 – pandemic planning scenarios.

Want proof?
Downloadable PDFs of NBER’s working paper series reports:

Also, what happened to the ‘regular’ flu season this year? In late February of 2021, only one child had died of the flu. The previous year, that number was 195 in the U.S. with influenza numbers way down in Canada, too. “It’s absolutely incredible to have a complete nonevent flu season,” says Isaac Bogoch, MD, an infectious disease specialist at the Toronto General Hospital Research Institute in Canada. Why? It’s because there are the precautions people have been taking for COVID, like masking, social distancing, and frequent hand-washing. Sure, not everybody is doing these things, but many are. “I don’t think we can ignore that,” he says. Secondly, many people seem to have heeded public health advice to get a flu vaccine. “At least in Canada, there was massive uptake of the flu vaccine this year,” Bogoch says; …and the narrative just continues. Interestingly, U.S. hospital emergency room and clinical healthcare workers incredibly have seen no cases of regular influenza so far this entire flu season (February 2021); strangely enough, they’re not even testing for it said a number of them. No one is questioning this never-before-seen phenomenon. The same goes for other ‘never-before-seen events’ such as the capitol riot and unequivocal worldwide compliance of almost ‘everyone’ masking and lining up for their shot—until now



Pro-new medicines (which are great) vs. experimental vaccine technology
“There’s a difference between anti-unsafe medicines versus pro-new medical entities [such as vaccines],” …being rushed to market under the guise of a healthcare emergency event. Not all those (such as Dr. Michael Yeadon) that decide to opt-out from taking the ‘jab’ are anti-vaxxers. Name-calling—like calling those who either can not take the vaccine or have decided not to for whatever their reasons, names such as “anti-immuner pig people,” and shaming people is just not acceptable. We are all told that we should speak up about what is right and best concerning topics of import—but only as long as you speak up saying exactly the right things according to today’s ideology from the woke-left mainstream. Listen to what Dr. Yeadon has to say before making your final judgment on such a complex issue. With that said, ask yourself how often has the media been wrong or biased? and perhaps consider the research papers above. We hope you enjoy the video below.

Credit: Dr. Michael Yeadon via Planet Lockdown, first published on May 15th, 2021 at

Natural versus vaccine immunity 

Dvir Aran, biomedical data, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology

This topic is really more of a matter of ‘fully immune’ versus ‘non-immune,’ rather than ‘fully vaccinated’ versus ‘non-vaccinated.’ Vaccinated or non-vaccinated, you still can get Covid—however, natural immunity is providing a more robust level of efficacy over vaccines.

A study by the Israel Institute of Technology concluded that:

Protection from prior SARS-CoV-2 infection – Estimated efficacy for documented infection of 94.8%

The data suggest that the recovered have better protection than people who were vaccinated. The efficacy of natural immunity is long-lasting for years, versus months by those vaccinated.

A study out of Tel Aviv, Israel conducted with following over 700,000 people, found that:

Those who had  recovered from COVID were 13X LESS LIKELY to end up reinfected—concluding that ‘natural immunity confers longer-lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2…’.” 

Sources: Natural versus vaccine immunity | Study demonstrates that natural immunity lasts longer compared to vaccine

Note: The CDC refuses to acknowledge these findings.

New Pfizer drug vs. Ivermectin (Ivermectin works!)| Dr. John Campbell

Natural immunity versus shots| Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

Size of SARS-CoV2 and why it matters

The virus size really does matter
The size and content characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 particles actually matters when comparing the effectiveness of masks, such as N95 versus others. Upon analysis of negative-stained SARS-CoV-2 articles by electron microscopy, different researchers have had varying results, but the diameter of the virus has been found to range between 50 nm to 140 nm. In addition to measuring the spherical size of the virus particle, it has also been confirmed that the length of the size tumors surrounding the outermost surface of SARS-CoV-2 can vary in length from 9 to 12 nm.

As a journalist, you’re shaping people’s interpretation of the world…

So what?
The size of a virus particle largely determines how individuals can protect themselves and those around them from acquiring SARS-CoV-2. Knowing the size of a single virus particle can also allow researchers and healthcare providers to infer the amount of virus individuals are exposed to through different routes. However, most scientists and doctors will agree that (other than the N95 particulate respirator type masks) the light blue medical masks and DIY masks that the majority of people are using just simply do not work. When health officials around the world are telling you that wearing masks can prevent the spread of viruses between individuals, they are not lying and are actually telling you the truth—but not the whole truth concerning the type of masks that most people are actually wearing! Do any of you actually know anyone who commonly wears N95 masks? Thus, herein lies the problem; and unfortunately, it’s a big one that really matters a lot.

Do masks work? All masks are not made equal

masks don't work, no protection, covid-19, viruses

Big Tech censorship of COVID treatments | DarkHorse Podcast Clips
This video was censored from appearing on YouTube, during September 2021.
Coffee Scribe managed to retrieve a copy for you here:

There is something wrong when we have a handful of few people [who are] controlling billions, who would censor highly qualified doctors and people who would offer an alternative therapy that would cost much less money.”
Steve Cioccolanti | Discover Ministries

Privacy and freedom 

The vax mandates are antilogic, they are antiscience, and they are antifreedom”
Ben Shapiro | Commentator and media host of The Daily Wire

When people ask if you or I have been vaccinated…
Privacy and freedom from government snooping about in my health and medical business is something I personally guard against. If you want to preserve freedom, you have to say “no” to things that violate your rights and freedoms. Likewise, if you want to preserve free speech, you need to say “no” and actually ‘censor’ speech that undermines free speech. Vaccine passports and/or proof of vaccinations is not about the virus, it’s actually about ‘data;’ and it’s no different from the CCP’s credit score monitoring of their civilians in order to control them. It’s more about a Leftist political program or agenda to transform reality, with the idea that they can redefine reality by redefining our words.

The vaccine mandates [concerning the harassed unvaccinated] are no more than an ideological purge [for people of faith].”
Michael Berry | General Counsel for First Liberty Institute, and member of the Marine Corps Reserve

It’s really none of their business
If you’re like me, you’ve been asked endless times ad nauseam “did you get the vaccine?” Really? …it’s none of their business—at all! Under a person’s privacy, rights, and freedom, people are not allowed to ask you what your sexual orientation/preference is; what your age is; or how much money you make. With that said, what exactly gives them the right to ask you about your personal and confidential health and medical information? When replying to their persistent need to know, if they don’t agree (or like) your answer (according to the mainstream narrative), they will be insistent that you need to conform to the established narrative and attempt to shame you into compliance with something that may sound an awful lot like this:

Conversation Scenario 1
Closed-mindedness on a whole new level: 

“Oh, I guess you don’t need to get vaccinated then (since you’re not going to anyways) because the rest of us have taken on that burden (at our expense) for you instead.” “So we’ve done the work for you and you’re protected and safe because of the rest of us (proudly implying – ‘you loser’).”

The more aggressive and militant replies and comments might sound something like this:

“You’re irresponsible, thoughtless, and reckless in your ignorance! Your misguided delusions are going to kill us all!”

Conversation Scenario 2
A friend, relative, or a close loved one dies:

“My aunt [or whomever] caught Covid and died. Apparently, it shut down her organs and took her life.” (Seriously—this is extremely sad as it is an incredibly unfortunate reality for thousands of victims!)

Fact-check: For those of you who have lost loved ones in this way—please do some actual research of your own rather than listening to the news, and know what may have caused the organ failure of which you are not being told about in the mainstream media. To find out more, click here: Go to the article.

I think you get the point. Often, these are the kinds of people who we see wearing a mask while driving alone or wearing a mask while walking alone outside. Just smile and kindly dismiss yourself from their opinions, and try not to get into a debate about what “the science says” or not, as they won’t be willing to hear facts, and are often not interested in your answer (research/facts) anyway.

Additionally, sound judgment has been lost when we see vaccinated people that are truly afraid to even ride in the same vehicle with a non-vaccinated person—as it’s just not logical. Shouldn’t the vaccine, in fact, supposedly protect them against the virus? If there’s cause for concern regarding them contracting the virus, then why did they even get vaccinated in the first place if it actually doesn’t work? (That is just not logical and does not make proper sense—unless you’ve been brainwashed by the media’s narrative about demonizing and fearing the non-vaccinated.) By the way… ironically enough, it’s actually the non-vaccinated people that should be more concerned about riding in a vehicle with vaccinated people when looking at the evidence of health risks, AND NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! (again, if you would have actually clicked on the blue article link above to have found out more, then you would have known this).

And yes, people who believe in this way are basically screaming “bloody murder!” right now and chalking it all up to being “conspiracy theories!” without taking the time to look into what is being proposed here on a much deeper level. Please know this: for the majority of most people under 70-years of age who have an average range of health, you have something called an immune system, that for the most part, can recognize and destroy viruses (and variants thereof) as the majority of people who had contracted SARS-CoV-2 have done.

Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.
Sir Winston Churchill

Is it about health or wealth? Follow the money 

Do not trust someone who won’t defend Christian values, because they’re just a political animal.
Steve Cioccolanti 

Everyone has an agenda
Let’s just assume for a minute or two…. that not everything we’ve been told in the mainstream news is as they’ve made it out to be. Not only the news, but have governments ever lied to their people before, and has your own government ever lied to you?

Who benefits?
Initially, the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for the CoViD-19 disease had been reported as originating from a Chinese wet market that was purportedly transmitted from bats to humans—according to all major mainstream media outlets, and this was their gospel truth on the matter. Any other supposition or proposed explanation, like let’s say a lab leak from, well, the Wuhan Institute of Virology for instance, was laughed at and immediately dismissed. Most of the so-called fact-checkers from the more popular social media platforms banned any and all who dared to suggest such preposterous ‘misinformation.’ Time will tell, but for now, ask yourself this question: who benefits if it wasn’t as the mainstream media said it was? If the final verdict regarding whether or not it was accidental or deliberate ever comes out—either way, who benefits from the money, and who is to gain the most and why?

Does money make it harder to stop lying?

Fauci went on to say if you criticize me, you’re criticizing the science (right?), science itself because I represent science. And it’s just so funny because [what] Fauci,…actually represent[s] is an extremely arrogant, and highly politiszied elite, that has been couching its own interests as absoliute truth as “science” in order to avoid scrutiny and debate.”
Batya Ungar-Sargony | Deputy Opinion Editor, Newsweek | Author, Bad News

“Groupthink” Progressive echo chamber or self-parody in a woke bubble—slave-conformity to the established narrative

Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.
Mark Twain | One popular version of his famous quote

“Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
Proverbs 26:4 | King James Version of the Bible

The mainstream media blocks information and discussion that goes against their narrative
Quote from Dr. Suneel Dhand – MedStoic Lifestyle Medicine

“There is a group of people out there… who think that ‘misinformation’ is whenever they are presented with any data or hear any type of discussion that they don’t like. What could be more anti-medicine or science than that?
A true person of medicine and science actually appreciates information, data, and discussion that makes them feel a bit uncomfortable… Critical thinking is sadly becoming a lost skill nowadays, and we do have to get it back… [There are those who some are calling] medicine and science extremists. It is a disgrace, and it’s not good for real medicine or science. There could be nothing worse for a good, free, open society than actively attempting to block good data and discussion from getting out to real people.

Critical thinking versus ‘woke(ness)’
There is a phenomenon of highly educated dumb people. In their eyes, basically, anyone asking questions makes them the same as Adolf Hitler. Those who don’t think critically for themselves, but rather, depend hugely upon the mainstream media for most of their insights; will try to accuse anyone who practices critical thinking as either a racist, anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, or TERFs*—while trying to shame you into silence for questioning their version of the mainstream ‘gospel of truth.’ I always know exactly what the members of my social circle are thinking because it’s a widely disseminated form of groupthink. They’re inevitably horrified to learn what I think for myself when they read my blog posts. There’s something incredibly liberating about looking over your shoulder and seeing the “I no longer give a sh*Γ” hurdle you’ve managed to clear. Sure, it’s painful to see those you respect and admire look upon with disapproval or temporary disdain (and some will even hate you), but I’d rather think for myself than to be assimilated into the borg for my identity like so many have opted into for their own self-worth and acceptance from others.

*TERFs: trans-exclusionary radical feminist. A radical feminist who excludes the rights of transgender women from their advocacy of women’s rights—(seriously take a moment and actually think about how absurd this definition really is). This is probably one of the most absurd arguments that are being used in their circular logic which is something like: “You can’t use the same argument we use against you, against us!” (but I digressed …do your own research for TERFs as this really isn’t what this blog post is about.)

Critical thinking
By definition…
Critical thinking is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment. As a Christian blogger, Coffee Scribe uses a biblical worldview that says that humans (individuals, governments, etc.) are sinful, we need a savior, and our salvation is in Jesus Christ alone… not human reason. On the other hand, logical reasoning is useful, and it should be highly valued as well. Most people never really think about what they are thinking about. We are instructed in God’s word (the Bible) to judge our own thoughts and determine if what we are thinking and believing is actually true or not. Not everything we think about is good. Sometimes we have no control as to what thoughts enter our minds, however, we are able to take control of these thoughts. God’s Word helps us to recognize our thoughts for what they really are, and how to act (or not act) upon them (Romans 12:2).

God’s Word 
God’s Word is our authority for truth because God is the only One who has always been there, who knows everything, who cannot lie, and who reveals the big picture of reality through the Bible. That’s why God’s Word is the only sure foundation for our thinking in everything. So, when we hear any new message or a popular mainstream media narrative, the first question to ask is, “How does (the truth of) this narrative compare with Scripture?”

Check the source 
Some other important questions to ask are “where is this information coming from?“ “What is the source’s credibility?” “Are they an expert in a relevant field?” “What’s their worldview starting point—God’s Word or man’s word?” “Could they have other motives for sharing this message?” “How was the information collected?” “Is it being reported accurately?”

Check the definitions
The next step is to clarify the definitions used for any keywords in the narrative. Many words carry multiple meanings or mean different things to different people. If you do notice a word’s meaning switch, you’ve detected a logical fallacy called equivocation.

Check for propaganda 

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it…”
Joseph Goebbels | Hitler’s Nazi Propaganda Chief

“Nazism is nothing more than spiritual doctrine that’s been turned into political ideology.”
Russ Dizdar | Evangelist and former Pastor

Propaganda tries to persuade by appealing to something besides logic—like emotions, aesthetics, or the human desire for acceptance. It’s a way of spreading ideas (and misinformation with some truth in the mix) in order to influence people. To catch propaganda, ask “Why does this message sound true?” “Is it trying to persuade based on logic, or on something else?” “Is that ‘something else’ relevant to the narrative’s truth?” A common propaganda strategy is:

  1. Scare people half  to death
  2. Censor everyone—then blame and shame all those who don’t comply
  3. Repeat the Big Lie

We saw this with ‘everyone’ jumping onboard with vaccinations. Many wonderful and good people with the very best of intentions all touting which vaccine they got and when they got it. These people are good—we love them; however, that doesn’t mean because everyone is doing what the larger group is doing, that it’s right or good for you. No one is questioning anything, because they all have heard the same and consistent message, over a relatively ‘long’ period of time—and that’s exactly how effective propaganda works!

Check the Interpretations 
With propaganda out of the way, you should be left with just the facts—and their interpretations. The facts are the parts of the narrative we can observe in the present using the scientific method. But other parts of the narrative may be interpretations of those facts based on assumptions. So, to separate fact from interpretations, it’s always helpful to ask, “What are the assumptions behind this narrative?” and “what’s another way to explain the same observations embedded in the narrative from a biblical perspective?”

Check the Logic
At this point, you will have already caught many potential fallacies in a news report’s narration. But there could still be other flawed logic lurking behind the facts. So, now’s the time to do a final check for other forms of faulty reasoning, including circular reasoning, straw man arguments or formal fallacies. Ask, “Are there any other errors in reasoning that should make me think twice before believing this report?” Another biblically-based truth concept we find in Scripture is “does the ‘whole world’ love (or comply/agree) with this?” and, “is ‘everyone’ following it?” (Matthew 7:13-14). When the whole world is following the same established narrative, that should be an obvious major ‘red flag’ that something is seriously and dangerously wrong!

Concluding comments
If not everything we’ve been told in the mainstream news is as they’ve made it out to be, as all humans are sinful—and yes, governments have and do lie to their people; then what have ‘they’ to gain from you giving your unequivocal compliance? Fear itself is a very strong motivator and has been used countless times historically to get people to do things en masse, regardless of facts, logic, and truth. Some would believe this to be a type of dress rehearsal with a much more nefarious agenda that may follow at some point later on. A rehearsal where people are being conditioned or trained to act in a certain way; where all or most people just follow along with what the ‘authorities’ and ‘experts’ tell them to do on the television/internet/news—without really any critical thinking or questioning of their own.

In general, people are lazy—they won’t put the time in to do their own research, let alone think for themselves. Add to this the inability to really question or discuss what is really going on when everyone has been locked down and alone from each other for so long. This whole pandemic has been one of the greatest experiments ever seen on a worldwide scale. Its campaign has been “unity” and literally “saving lives, saving the world!” Could this be the biggest dress rehearsal or scam of all time—and if so—for whom and for what? I hope this post may have helped some of you and may have shed a bit of light on a very complex subject for some, or perhaps all it has done is just annoy you to no end. Either way, let us know your comments and what you think, and we hope you enjoy the video below.

3 I saw one of his heads as if it had been fatally wounded, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; 4 they worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?”
Revelation 13:3-4 | New American Standard Bible (NASB)

15 And it was made given to him [the Antichrist], the intelligence and function of an image or device, which connects to the financial system; and the connecting function would communicate in a language unintelligible to the user; and might cause those that do not have unquestioning allegiance to the financial system to be killed.
Revelation 13:15 | Paraphrased (The Pure Word Bible) – Brent Miller Sr., the co-founder of Ingenuity Films

The World Economic Forum and the Great Reset Agenda | Sky News Australia

Why some people don’t get it

Think about cognitive bias
The Dunning-Kruger effect, in psychology, is a cognitive bias whereby people with limited knowledge or competence in a given intellectual or social domain greatly overestimate their own knowledge or competence in that domain relative to objective criteria or to the performance of their peers or of people in general—in other words….

Think of how stupid the average person is… and realize half of them are stupider than that.
George Carlin | American stand-up comedian, actor, social critic, and author

Seed of irrationality (a ‘different’ kind of reality)
Mass Formation Psychosis
There’s been this seed planted in the minds of people to fear others irrationally in their understanding of safety risks and dangers about the virus—treating the misinformation as unimpeachable facts. This is where the lamestream propaganda machine has only offered a single solution offered by a so-called “authority.” In unison, their solution is and only has been vaccinations: full stop; period; end of the story. This is where people have chosen agenda-driven politics, and social justice activism lies (with blatantly making stuff up) over the actual fact-driven debate of real science. Honestly, these people are no more than a hard-core, left-wing Covid hysteric, that manage to scare themselves (and if they could, everyone else too) into psychosis oblivion. 

‘Stupid’ on a whole new level – dude schools unvaxxed ppl! | Tyler Fischer

Karens in the wild


Don’t be afraid of the virus, be afraid of the vaccination

Quotes by despised and vehemently hated doctors 

People getting the vaccine, have less than 1% of ever getting the virus.”

“It’s impossible for the vaccine to have an effect on the epidemic curve.”

“The people promoting the vaccine are going to claim victory that ‘oh, things have worked out in our favor.’

“It’s mathematically impossible for the vaccine to have any impact.”

“…This whole thing is contrived; …it should be very obvious.”

“Now the CDC has changed the cycled threshold [of the PCR* test] down to lower, so they’re going to make few[er] cases so it’s going to look like the vaccine saved it [us].”
Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH |
Consultant Cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas | Source: – “Dr. Peter McCullough on with Reiner Fuelmich June 11, 2021”

*(PCR) Polymerase Chain Reaction: a process which creates millions of replicas of a particular piece of DNA in a sample, amplifying its ‘visibility and making it easier to analyze in greater detail, used in diagnostic medicine including our response to SARS-CoV-2  (the coronavirus), for early diagnosis of CoViD-19 in currently-infected people.

Let me tell you about where there are some distractions and where we’re waisting our time, and that’s on wearing masks. So for instance, they would love us to be arguing about masks, while they continue to give injections—so I try not to make masks the signature issue.”

“They’ve [Chinese doctors] linked the vaccine to freedoms: [saying] they [you] need to get the vaccine to get their freedom back.”

“Most of this is just sheer intimidation.”
Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH 

And we know that when the clinical studies were finished the absolute risk-reduction [about the effectiveness of the vaccine] is about 1%; …it’s ridiculous.”
Dr. Wolfgang Wodran |
Internist and Pulmonologist | an epidemiologist and specialist in lung disease and environmental medicine; former chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Health Committee; a 47-nation international organization dedicated to upholding human rights, democracy and the rule of law

This is a huge psychological operation, …they’re using as their major weapon—the mainstream media, in order to indoctrinate people with this ‘panic package,’ which they invited over many years.”
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich |
Who ‘fact checkers’ have deemed as “simply another one-trick pony and not an impressive one; Covid conspiracy con artist, with delusions of grandeur.”
| a German layer and international trial lawyer, and have successfully sued large fraudulent corporations like Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank. Attended school in Bremen and Farmington Hills, Michigan, and studied law at the Georg-August University in Göttingen and in Los Angeles

Click the link below, to view the video of quotes above: 
Dr. Peter McCullough with Reiner Fuelmich |

The reports on vaccine side effects are now starting to trickle in | COVID-19 vaccine reactions: | Families describe adverse responses to shot
ATTENTION: This video was taken down (29 Sept 2021 @11:30 Central Time) – as YouTube DOES NOT WANT YOU TO SEE THIS.
However, Coffee Scribe had just downloaded a full copy of it literally minutes prior to the censorship takedown of this video.


Know the facts—even though most people think they do, but actually don’t

Adverse COVID-19 vaccination event report

– as of 10 Oct 2021 – from official sources (U.S.)

16,310 people have died from receiving the vaccine 

75,605 hospitalizations from receiving the vaccine 

87,814 visits to urgent care from receiving the vaccine 

121,305 doctor office visits from receiving the vaccine 

7,141 cases of anaphylaxis from receiving the vaccine 

9,446 bell’s palsy (facial muscle weakness or paralysis) from receiving the vaccine 

2,415 miscarriages from receiving the vaccine 

7,868 heart attacks from receiving the vaccine 

17,619 instances of life-threatening illnesses from receiving the vaccine

30,631 severe allergic reactions from receiving the vaccine 

(In Canada, 13,561 people who received their first dose were infected with COVID-19 (20 May 2021). Health Canada said 443 people were hospitalized with COVID-19, two-weeks or more after they got their first dose, and 95 people in the group died.)

Conclusion: It’s my body, and it’s my responsibility to maintain control of it and ownership of it (I am responsible for my body); I have bodily autonomy*—not the government!

*Bodily autonomy is about the right to make decisions over one’s own life and future. It is about being empowered to make informed choices. These are universal values.

Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is constitutional provision that protects an individual’s autonomy and personal legal rights from actions of the Government in Canada. There are three types of protection within the section: the right to life, liberty and security of the person.

Health Canada Stats

Kyle’s vaccine injury experience | Dr. John Campbell

What really happened in Wuhan? | Sky News Australia

Fauci lies | Vitamin D actual works

The mark of an educated mind is the ability to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

Lighten up! Seriously… we all could use a little bit of laughter right now too


How Liberals are in denial about what’s going on | AwakenWithJP

Hateful Joe Rogan spreading misinformation | AwakenWithJP

The biggest lies in modern history – the injustice of lockdowns | Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries

U.S. government accused of using social media to sensor Americans | Fox News

Vaccine activists get rekt! – they have NO CLUE about real stats! | Memology 102

Wear yer mask! | FreedomToons


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