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New Apostolic Reformation, NAR, Cult, New Age

The New Apostolic Reformation New Age Cult

The New Apostolic Reformation New Age Movement (Cult)

Preface by Coffee Scribe
Ninety-nine percent truth equals a one-hundred percent lie

Satan is always trying to distort the Church into countless unbiblical versions of it, and our only defense is earnest prayer and following the Holy Spirit as our Teacher—leading us through the Scriptures chapter by chapter, verse by verse.

Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong,
it is knowing the difference between right and almost right.”

– Charles Spurgeon

In the article that follows this preface, I have covered only a portion of the deception found within what is called the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) New Age cult or movement. I would encourage you to do your own homework regarding this cult/topic and to verify the information that you will read for yourself. Much of the information comes from my own experience of attending a NAR ‘church’ that I had found out afterward was in fact part of the NAR. To treat the information as unworthy of serious consideration with a broad-stroked statement that it’s all fake and inflated, or that I have a “spirit of religion” (as some have accused me of), would be to choose to intentionally pay no attention to reality. The video clips were not made up—they are real—they actually happened (and please note that a lot of the YouTube videos have now been removed as more and more people are waking up). If you might be wondering whether or not that you might be attending a NAR church after reading the article, then It is my hope that you reject error and come back to the Scriptures as your place of absolute truth and authority over that of experience. The sign of a healthy church is one that preaches the gospel—the version of the gospel (the only one) as found in Scripture – the Bible.

The article that follows may be found in a PDF format at the very end of this post, for both downloading and sharing with anyone whom you may know or think might be caught up in this movement. Please be sure to download a print/email copy for yourself to share with others. God bless.

Coffee Scribe

New Apostolic Reformation New Age CULT

The New Apostolic Reformation* (NAR) movement is a cult that preaches a false Jesus, false gospel, and New Age metaphysical teachings and strategies IN AN ATTEMPT TO BRING HEAVEN TO EARTH. Nearly all of the people caught up in the deception have never even heard the phrase “New Apostolic Reformation” let alone know what it is. That’s one of the very deceptive things about this entire movement.

* The NAR is trying to now move to the name “Independent Network Christianity” instead of NAR since there has been so much blowback with their movement.

You could be a part of this end times,
new age cult and not even know it!

here’s how you can tell:

NAR, revelation downloads
NAR, apostles, prophets, apostles and prophets, apostles & prophets
NAR, angles, another Jesus, fake Jesus, Jesus, angel visitations, visitations from Jesus
NAR, dominionism, Kingdom Now
NAR, dreams, visions, dreams and visions, dreams & visions
NAR, signs, wonders, signs and wonders, signs & wonders
NAR, trips to heaven, heavenly trips, conversations with Jesus
NAR, impartations, anointings, anointings and gifts, anointings & gifts, anointing
NAR, eschatology, glorious, glorious eschatology
NAR, the passion translation, The Passion Translation, the Passion Translation, TPT, Brian Simmons

And if you have absolutely no idea why any of these statements are dangerously deceptive, then this article just might be for you.

*Please note regarding the “glorious eschatology” point above: there are many orthodox Christians who are non-dispensational and definitely not part of the NAR movement. Even though Coffee Scribe takes a pre-tribulation viewpoint of the rapture (see our other articles on this blog) it is noted that those Christians who hold to an amillennialists viewpoint are not necessarily a part of the NAR. It would be wrong to lump all Christians who believe in amillennialism into the same camp as those of the NAR movement. The point above was referenced as it may be possible for those who hold to that belief could easily be swayed into believing other false teachings such as “Kingdom Now” theology, also known as the “Seven Mountain Mandate” which will be explained further down.

What’s so wrong with the New Apostolic Reformation?

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Movement
is a Highly Deceptive Cult

NAR is a counterfeit, unbiblical movement that has been gaining worldwide momentum. It’s taking over churches and deceiving millions all around the world who don’t even know they’ve become a part of an apostate, end-times falling away.

The New Apostolic Reformation is a dominionist movement that asserts that God is restoring the lost offices of church governance, namely the offices of Prophet and Apostle. They place a greater emphasis on dreams, visions, and extra-biblical revelation than they do on the Bible—claiming that their revealed teachings and reported experiences (e.g. trips to heaven, face-to-face conversations with Jesus, visits by angels) can not be proven by the ‘old’ Scripture. 

They believe that we are already reigning and ruling with Christ now; ‘Kingdom Now.’”

Please Note: With all things in balance—the above-mentioned points are not bad in themselves. For example: receiving revelation from the LORD is a good thing; the same goes for building each other up through prophesying; preaching the glorious gospel to the world; healing the sick and seeing signs and wonders by His mighty hand; moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit in your faith (what NAR calls “being activated”). These are all really good things in and of themselves. The problem is in how NAR promotes and especially twists what God has made good to further an ungodly agenda as you will see by reading the rest of this article. Also, we know of several wonderful Christian brothers and sisters (including unaware and well-intentioned Pastors as well) who quote verses from The Passion Translation® (TPT), because, let’s face it—it sounds so incredibly fresh, new and good!; yet, none of whom have any idea why TPT is such a dangerous “translation.” We can not judge those who are misled and do not know because no one has told them why—but rather we are to love them and help them to know why something is wrong and especially if it is misleading and evil.

Breaking down the deception

Who are they and how is this happening?

First of all, most of the people in this cult (or movement) don’t even know they are in it. Many of them are God-loving Christians who love the Lord with all of their hearts and who desire a closer walk with Jesus. They are in fact extremely loving people and they are by no means “bad” people—their intentions are usually pure. The majority of Christians who attend these churches are slowly, but very strategically being deceived as time goes on. One very important reason for this deception is their lack of Bible study and knowledge of God’s Word. They listen to stories and read books on everything else but the Scriptures, leaving them unable to identify errors when they hear it.

Definitions and deceptions

Traits, beliefs, and some of the more commonly used vernacular by NAR adherents
One way to understand this cult is to look at how they speak and why. Let’s examine some of their definitions:

According to those in NAR: “We’re in a ‘Second Apostolic Age.’ There are new Apostles on the earth today, anointed by the laying on of hands to represent and speak for God here on Earth. These ‘Super Apostlesare equal to the original Apostles—the ones who witnessed Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and were appointed by Christ Himself to the office. Since these new apostles are commissioned by God, their authority may not be questioned.”


Dominionism or Kingdom Now

Rather than preach the Gospel of the cross, Apostolic leaders are working to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven to earth (also known as “Kingdom Now1” or “Dominionism” theology). They do this by taking dominion of earthly kingdoms or “mountains” of influence—asserting that God is restoring the lost offices of those mountains through the Church.

Be sure to watch Jan Markell’s YouTube video on Kingdom Now / Dominion Theology following this web post article.

According to dominionism, Christians are biblically mandated to control all earthly institutions until the second coming of Jesus.”

Kingdom Now is often Preterists

Kingdom Now teaching rejects the historical fact that Jesus did NOT come back yet. Kingdom Now proponents believe we are living in the Millennial Reign of Christ right NOW. Most believe that Christ had already come in A.D. 70, that Nero was the Antichrist, the Tribulation has already happened, and that we have been in the Thousand-year Millennial Kingdom for the past two-thousand-years. 

See Coffee Scribes:
Did Jesus already return in A.D. 70? – What are the dangers of partial preterism?


1. Kingdom Now theology is a branch of Dominion Theology that has had a following within Pentecostalism. It attracted attention in the late 1980s. Kingdom Now theology states that although Satan has been in control of the world since the Fall, God is looking for people who will help him take back dominion or “reclaim the seven mountains of culture” (now known as “The Seven Mountain Mandate”).

Are we currently in a great and glorious end-time revival?

“Kingdom Now” is the theological belief that the Church is presently subduing the enemies of Christ in order to pave the way for His appearing. They believe that the Christian Church will remain on the earth and become a dominant force in a great end-times revival.

Are we there yet?

However, there is no biblical support for this belief, for the Bible teaches just the opposite. At the end of days, bad things will wax worse and worse until the world calls out for a savior. No one who is in heaven is there because they reached perfection—they are there because they responded to the gospel and came to the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Scriptures about the Kingdom are all related to the Millennial Kingdom, not some other “kingdom” that the Christian Church will in some way reign over now. That is why it’s popular for a dominionist to believe that we are already in the Millennial Kingdom since the cross. If they were to believe otherwise, then their theology would not work.

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse
and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

2 Timothy 3:13 | King James Version (KJV – emphasis “typographically” added)

NAR, Revival, Restoration, Revival and Restoration, Kingdom, Kingdom culture, revelation, spheres of influenceOn the surface, this all sounds fantastic! Seriously, what Christian wouldn’t want this? However, once you understand they believe all of this will come about through themselves (through signs, wonders, and “lying miracles”) and not Christ, only then will you see the deception.

False Commission:

Seven Mountain
of the new apostolic reformation cult
In order for Christ to return to earth, the church must take control of the seven major spheres of influence in society for the glory of Christ. Once the world has been made subject to the kingdom of God, only then will Jesus return and rule the world.

NAR, 7-M, seven mountains mandate, seven mountains, arts, business, religion, media, education, family, government, new apostolic reformation

Now it will come about that In the last days the mountain of the house of the LORD will be established as the chief of the mountains, and will be raised above the hills; and all the nations will stream to it.”

Isaiah 2:2 | New American Standard Bible (NASB)

The NAR and proponents of the seven mountain mandate have abandoned biblical teaching on the end times, choosing to believe that Christians must set the stage for Jesus’ second coming by achieving dominion over the world’s systems. They believe Jesus will only return to a world that mirrors the kingdom of God. This idea parallels the New Age teaching that man becomes a co-redeemer of planet earth.

The deadliest deception, however, is their misuse of the Bible and a lack of Scriptural understanding

NAR adherents may believe in the inerrancy and authority of the Bible, but God’s breathed-out Word is just not enough for them. Jesus’ sacrificial death for our sins is not good enough; the promise of eternal life in Heaven is not good enough. They feel a need to add to the biblical text by way of teachings and reported experiences such as trips to heaven, face-to-face conversations with Jesus, visits by angels, which have no Scriptural bases in the Word of God whatsoever.

Interestingly enough, most NAR Churches will proclaim their belief in the inerrancy of Scripture on their websites. Anyone can make that claim, but does this mean they actually follow the Bible over experience?

NAR, The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God, Word of God, Bible Infallible, inspired, We Believe, Churches website

Once again, NAR churches place a greater emphasis on experiences such as dreams, visions, and extra-biblical revelation than they do on the Bible. Just because they say something like one of their claims, doesn’t mean it’s true or that they follow that claim, which is unequivocally the case according to their other practices and beliefs as we will see.

A heretical Bible
NAR churches almost always abandon the major tenets of the Scriptures—so they came up with their own Bible version instead.

The Passion Translation (TPT) has become very popular among churches that are part of the New Apostolic Reformation movement. The popularity of this translation is due, in no small part, to the many NAR leaders who have endorsed this translation, including Pastor Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, California. Bill Johnson called The Passion Translation “one of the greatest things to happen with Bible translation in my lifetime.”

Source: Holly Pivec of

The lead translator was Brian Simmons—founder of Stairway Ministries in Wichita, Kansas. Simmons calls himself an “Apostle,” working with Harvest International Ministry.

The Passion Translation has many serious problems such as:

  • The sole translator was Brian Simmons, who claimed he had been transported to the “library of Heaven” where “Jesus” had commissioned him to write this “translation.”
  • He claims to have had what is commonly repeated within the NAR as “revelation downloads” from “Holy Spirit.” This supposedly gave him a supernatural ability to translate since he is not an actual Bible theologian and does not have a command of Hebrew or Greek. 
  • This “Jesus” said he would reveal a brand new chapter of the gospel of John (chapter 22) to Simmons at some future time; In other words, our current Bible has not been sufficient.
2. Copyright: The Passion Translation® Copyright © 2017 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Passion Translation® is a registered trademark of Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc.

The Passion Translation

To have to explain why this is so wrong (adding extra chapters to the gospels and rewriting the Bible) is evidence of how far we have gone away from what the Scriptures instruct us about this in the first place.

I testify to everyone who hears the words of prophecy
in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add
to him the plagues described in this book.”

Revelation 22:19 | Berean Study Bible (emphasis “typographically” added)

Deuteronomy 4:2
You must not add to or subtract from what I command you, so that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God I am giving you.

Deuteronomy 12:32
See that you do everything I command you; do not add to it or subtract from it.

Proverbs 30:6
Do not add to His words, lest He rebukes you and proves you a liar.

Revelation 21:5
And the One seated on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are faithful and true.”

Revelation 22:7
“Behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of prophecy in this book.”

The Passion Translation is tailored with NAR terms and concepts throughout—often leaving out major words and concepts from the original texts. This counterfeit Bible also adds other words and thought that is not part of the original Scriptures as well. Unfortunately, many who have bought into this falsified translation are taking the words as authentic and genuine as being a true translation of God’s Words, as they have been told—but it is anything but that. Please watch the following video.

Lead ‘translator’ Brian Simmons’ heavenly trip to the ‘library of heaven’

In New Age circles, these trips to Heaven where one is translated or transported to Heaven are considered to be a form of astral projection. These out-of-body experiences are Occult-type practices of which NAR proponents either don’t seem to realize or understand.

Heavenly Visitation and Book of John 22 | Brian Simmons with Sid Roth | It’s Supernatural!

Video Description from Sid Roth’s, It’s Supernatural! Brian Simmons became a Christian dramatically. He experienced God’s glory in a village in Central America while he was there as a missionary. He has similar experiences… Pastor Brian had a visitation to heaven and he saw a book whose name was “John 22.” God may reveal to you this book of John 22.

Note: Since March 2020, It’s Supernatural had removed their original full-version* episode of this YouTube video as it had further portrayed Brian Simmons as a ‘Super Apostle’—showing people in supermarkets falling down at his very presence as he walks by them. With such depictions, these give credence to him making himself more God-like than most people, which further promotes unsuspecting people to adopt his false admission of being a modern-day apostle and their distorted heretical non-biblical beliefs.

*Coffee Scribe had downloaded a copy of their full-version YouTube video prior to them removing it. It is explicitly clear by their own actions of trying to hide the evidence that It’s Supernatural does not want people to see just how far they had gone in attempting to push their NAR agenda in promoting Simmons as one of their ‘Super Apostles’ and their false ‘translation’ of what they are calling a Bible translation.

Be sure to watch our other YouTube videos about The Passion Translation at the end of this article.

Even though fasting is both a Christian and biblical practice, often NAR churches promote the 40-day fast which comes with the expectation of gaining more power, more signs, and new revelation, rather than relational depth with the Lord including Scripture meditation. The present strategy that has been revealed to NAR’s prophets is the importance of the practice of corporate fasting to see a release of miraculous power on earth—with thousands of Christians voluntarily abstaining from eating and drinking for 40 days, so they can open themselves up to the spiritual realm.

Source: The Jesus Fast: The Call to Awaken the Nations

*also known as “grave sucking” or “soaking”
Practitioners of soaking prayer attempt to seek out the presence of God through mystical exercises. In this sense, it’s very similar to contemplative prayer and contemplative spirituality, both of which find their origins in Eastern Mysticism and came into Christianity through the New Age.

Source: (to be covered more in another blog post).
Video resource: additionally, please be sure to see Dynamite Publishing’s video which is third from the bottom of this article exposing Bethel’s horrific grave-soaking practices, whereby Jordon shows the eerie similarities of this New Age practice with that of necromancy and sorcery!

The Truth About Grave Sucking at Bethel Church | Fight For Truth


We’re not called to visualize God / Jesus—which can lead to ‘encountering’ a different Jesus other than Whom the Bible reveals to mankind. Sozo is basically a corrupted ‘divine’/memory editing program (‘ministry’)—it’s a conversation with your ego. Practitioners of Sozo would do good to read Hebrews 5:14.

Sozo’s ministry makes false promises of miraculous psychological cures. Pretending to be based on some radically new, profoundly innovative combination of Christian teaching and psychological science.3 The concept of inner healing has its roots in the teachings of anti-Christian and occultist, Agnes Sanford. John Wimber, David Yonggi Cho, and Robert Schuller are some of the well-known psychological practitioners of the inner healing ministry. There is a variety of “memory-healing” psychotherapies masquerading under Christian terminology today, the most deadly are “regressive” therapies designed to probe the unconscious for buried memories to be uncovered and healed.4

Source: Closingstages at 

Is Bethel’s Sozo Mentally and Emotionally Damaging? | Thoughts from a mental health professional | Melissa Dougherty

3. Psychoheresy Awareness Ministries: Since after publishing this article, Martin Bobgan has removed the link to his online pdf paper. (Please see more references in the resource section near the end of this artical post.)

4. Inner Healing/Healing of Memories:

Website exposing more false teachings | Bethel Church | Readding, CA

More non-biblical & highly deceptive practices & beliefs

False teachers claim to have direct revelations from God, even when their teachings contradict the Word of God. If you get some “insight” that you think came from God, but it does not line up with God’s Word (interpreted properly and in context), your “insight” is not from the Holy Spirit! Or, if someone says to you, “The Lord told me…” be careful. Sometimes they will even use a verse of Scripture, but invariably it is taken out of context. The Holy Spirit always leads us to the Word and the all-sufficiency of Jesus Christ according to the Word. Here’s how you can know if a person who says they “saw Goddidn’t really see God…

But He said, ‘You cannot see My face;
for no man shall see Me, and live.’”

Exodus 33:20 | New King James Version (NKJV)

John 1:18 (All: ESV*)
No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known.

Ezekiel 3:23
So I arose and went out into the valley, and behold, the glory of the LORD stood there, like the glory that I had seen by the Chebar canal, and I fell on my face. 

John 6:46
Not that anyone has seen the Father except he who is from God; he has seen the Father.

Revelation 1:17
When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last.

See Coffee Scribe’s:
Visitations with New Revelations – Discernment vs. Deception


*ESV – English Standard Version

The practice of “fire tunnels” is a relatively new phenomenon. The basic idea is that people form two lines (i.e. a “tunnel”) through which others walk to receive laying on of hands, prayer, prophecy, and “impartation of the ‘Spirit.’” There are often physical manifestations noted in the participants going through the tunnels. Manifestations include appearing drunk, hysterical laughing, falling down, and out-of-control convulsions or shaking. It is important to note that NO Scriptural support or precedent can be found for this practice.

Fire Tunnels are NOT Biblical | Revealing Truth

Other miscellaneous and misleading manifestations such as angel feathers and gold dust/glory clouds

If you thought fire tunnels were seriously strange, there are other dangerously false Holy Spirit manifestations such as so-called angel feathers and gold dust (sometimes referred to as glory clouds), which are both demonic in nature—complete lies, false signs, counterfeit miracles, and what the Word of God calls “lying wonders.”

In reality, If people were to have actually been in a room where God’s holy glory was to come down over an assembly, all of those people inside would be dead in their non-glorified, not yet resurrected (mortal) bodily states! If this deception wasn’t so serious, it would actually be laughable.

NAR adherents believe that faith is a force—it’s something you can use and manipulate and twist; essentially playing God as a little god, making things come into fruition that you want to have happened.

Faith is not placed in God; faith is a force that you direct at God—
(to make Him do whatever you want Him to do).

For example, if you need healing, you speak it into existence. If you need money, you speak it into existence. This is classic NAR Word of Faith doctrine and practice of which is no different from what the Bible calls divination and witchcraft. In other words, it’s complete garbage!

There is no such thing as “activating your faith,” as faith is not an emotional or spiritual switch to be activated by turning it on or off. Faith is an assurance of God’s Word. Faith is already active (as it’s a verb) and is a gift from God Himself. These false beliefs foster a sense of prestige, influence, preeminence, and greatness in the mindset of those who believe they possess such supernatural qualities and abilities over other people and Christians.

Again, Please Note: Every believer should be moving in the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. Praying and seeing people healed, saved, and delivered are all part of sharing the gospel—there should be more of this, not less. The problem is in how NAR takes what God does and twists it to be a “power” that you can “learn” and “make active” yourself which leads people into a self-directed, man-led faith on their own will and not Holy Spirit-directed, led through dependence upon God. The year in which I have written this article, I had specifically prayed with two individuals and had seen both of them miraculously healed by the power of the Holy Spirit. It wasn’t something that I had to attend a class to be able to “learn” how to heal people, neither did I have to pay money for a class on healing such as what is happening at Bethel Church for people to be “activated.” We never see any of the Apostles in the Book of Acts “activating” each other, for that which only the Holy Spirit Himself can do. Is attending a class on healing wrong?—of course not! But don’t allow yourself to be allured into believing that you need to pay someone money to teach you how to heal the sick when it is the Holy Spirit Who is your teacher! Trust Him—and yes, step out in faith and watch Him do His mighty acts in and through you in Jesus’ Name!

The Bible nowhere contains a suggestion that to be drunk, spiritually or otherwise, is a good thing for God’s people. In fact, in the Word of God, we are constantly exhorted to sobriety and self-control.

False teachers claim that drunkenness is the “bridal wine of intimacy” with the person Jesus Christ. The intoxication of God’s Spirit brings refreshment to the entire person, spirit, soul, and body. They claim that drunkenness is one of the highest levels of wisdom in the Kingdom. The call is to “drink and to be immersed in the Shekhina glory!”

Proponents of spiritual drunkenness like to point to Acts, chapter 2, and what occurred on the day of Pentecost, particularly the response of some of the people to it—while ignoring other Scripture as:

But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly.”

Luke 21:34 | (NKJV)

Nowhere in all of Scripture are we to activate our faith as that concept reeks of new-age mysticism. That is 100% non-biblical and so is what the NAR calls being “drunk in the spirit.”

Warning: exceedingly disturbing content!…

Tormenting Spirit | False Holy Spirit | Heidi Baker

Coffee Scribe’s Comments: (Exceedingly disturbing content) – After the “It’s Supernatural” interview, watch mid-way as Heidi Baker completely under the “drunken” influence of a false spirit which is definitely NOT the Holy Spirit becomes drunk in the spirit. She then goes on to lay her hands upon a young man in a NAR church revival meeting where he clearly outright manifests demonic possession while at Bethel Church in Redding, California.

Note: If you just watched this video and as a matter-of-factly dismissed what you just saw as simply a non-issue, concluding that that’s just how the Spirit works—then I would strongly suggest that you re-evaluate your beliefs as you are most likely deceived and have become spiritually blind!

If you just watched the video and as a matter-of-factly dismissed what you just saw as simply a non-issue, concluding that that’s just how the Spirit works—then I would strongly suggest that you re-evaluate your beliefs as you are most likely deceived and have become spiritually blind!”

Demonic kundalini spirit behind the NAR’s earliest beginnings

The same demonic manifestations we see behind the New Apostolic Reformation’s origins are exactly the same spirit manifestations we see today—the similarities are absolutely undeniable unless you’re deceived. 

Kundalini Warning | The Actual Beginnings of the NAR Cult decades ago | with Andrew Strom

Our Video Description: Andrew Strom details the shocking truth that sparked the NAR! In his documentary, he explains the people behind the movement’s beginnings and the spirit behind the people. Get ready as he plainly shows actual footage of various NAR revivals with their first Apostles and Prophets in relation to what we are seeing today—same spirit, different times.

The NAR goes way back to other charismatic renewal revivals. NAR’s earliest Apostles and Prophets revealed, and what’s behind them—you just can’t make this stuff up!

Where does this madness leave us? 

“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” – 2 Peter 2:1 (KJV)

What does the Bible say? 

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try [test] the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”
– 1 John 4:1 (KJV)

“ For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God’s word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ.”
– 2 Corinthians 2:17 (ESV)

What you can do?

First of all—be sure to know what the Bible says, and most of all pray! Then, do your homework. If your church has any part of the fourteen traits listed above, you’ll want to humbly alert your leaders. If the leadership doesn’t respond, then quietly leave and as always:



Check out these other website blogs, links, YouTube videos, and books

The amount of information is endless. Even though there is a mix online of reputable sources versus questionable ones, I would say about half the information is very useful and can be trusted. Below are Coffee Scribe’s recommended resources that we have vetted for your convince. Enjoy!

NAR Connections – Search by name, organization, or by location

Find out who is part of this organization and the affiliations and close connections with the New Apostolic Reformation.

Tony Wood – Errors of Bethel & Jesus Culture


Find out more about the deception that is taking the churches by storm.

Holly Pivec – Spirit of Error

Holly Pivec operates a blog, called “Spirit of Error,” which critiques the teachings of present-day apostles and prophets in the New Apostolic Reformation movement.

Holly has written many books on NAR and has appeared on several YouTube broadcasts. Coffee Scribe encourages you to please check out Holly’s blog and materials.

Jan Markell – Oliver Tree Ministries

A wide range of topics including a two-part series on NAR. Excellent material!

Closing stages – Sozo Ministry of Bethel Church II

Sozo’s ministry makes false promises of miraculous psychological cures.

Berean Research – Sozo: a dangerous “inner healing and deliverance ministry”

Berean Research helps you learn and equip yourself to prevent falling into deception about cults and movements taking the visible church down a wide path away from Scriptural truth.

Steve Bancarz – Reasons for Jesus

Reasons for Jesus is an apologetics-based website dedicated to providing justification for a Biblical worldview and a rational defense for faith in Jesus Christ. Coffee Scribe encourages you to please check out Steve’s materials.

Chris Rosebrough –
Pirate Christian Media

A Christ-Centered and Cross-Focused Talk Radio. “It’s not just what people WANT to hear, but what people NEED to hear.”

Steven Kozar – The Messed Up Church

Materials confronting and exposing apostasy; explaining biblical orthodoxy; rebuilding shattered faith by the light of the gospel from God’s Word and “Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura” (grace alone, faith alone, Scripture alone).

Daniel Long – Long for Truth

Long for Truth exists to expose the wacky, crazy, and blasphemous things being said and done by much of the modern, Evangelical Church.

More deceptions invading our churches!

Bethel’s “The Physics of Heaven” – Complete NAR Garbage!

Melissa Dougherty’s video review of the book “The Physics of Heaven”, which elaborates on Bethel’s false New Age beliefs and practices such as communicating with spirit guides and angels, crystals, astral projection (visiting glory realms), speaking things into existence, trances, power objects, while wrongly asserting that these unbiblical practices actually belong to the church,

Mike Winger’s – Bethel’s Prophetic Uno, art and leggings

While Pastor Mike Winger’s first video examining Bethel’s theology was released last February 2018, as the evidence mounts, he now wonders if he should have been “harsher”. In this four-minute clip released on June 25, 2019, Pastor Mike adds to the voices of concerned Christians and offers a sound biblically based examination of Bethel’s repertoire of alleged prophetic activation tools, including prophetic Uno, art and destiny leggings,

Bill Johnson’s book: “When Heaven Invades Earth” – More Complete NAR Garbage!

Melissa Dougherty’s video review of Bill Johnson’s book, “When Heaven Invades Earth” explains Bethel’s dominionist/kingdom now theology,

Additional Resources: 

New Apostolic Reformation by Apologetics Index

New Apostolic Reformation by Berean Research

Wolves Not Sparing The Flock (Part 1) by Jan Markell

Wolves Not Sparing The Flock (Part 2) by Jan Markell

What is the New Apostolic Reformation? by Sola Sisters

False Spirits Invade the Church: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3  A Documentary by Andrew Strom

The Six Hallmarks of a NAR Church by Berean Examiner

The Messed Up Church by Steven Kozar

The New Apostolic Reformation Cornucopia of False Doctrine,
Dominionism, Charismania and Deception
 by Messed Up Church

Popular False Teachers see links for “International House of Prayer (IHOP)”
and “Jesus Culture/Bethel Music/Bethel Church (Redding, CA)/Bill Johnson”

Drunk in the Spirit by Todd Friel

What is the International House of Prayer? (IHOP) by Got Questions

The Dangers of the International House of Prayer (IHOP) by CARM

Love and Death in the International House of Prayer by Rolling Stone

Leaving the NAR Church testimony series by Amy Spreeman

Thank you for taking the time to read this article posting. I pray that you conduct your own research and verify the findings for yourself. Please, Never stop reading the Bible, the Word of God!

Matthew 22:29“Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.”

Acts 17:11“Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.”

Please download and share this article in an 8 1/2″ x ll″ letter-sized print format. Email or share with your friends, family, Pastor, Church family, and elders, or share this post link with anyone you know that needs this message.

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What is Dominion Theology & 7 Mountain Mandate & Why is it Unbiblical?

WORLDVIEW WEEKEND: Dominion Theology

Dominion Theology: Ignorance or Arrogance? | Jan Markell with Dr. Ron Rhodes

Olive Tree Ministries: Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the hour with Dr. Ron Rhodes discussing “Dominion Theology.” This says that the church can make the world perfect and only then can Christ return. Is this ignorance or arrogance? It is a counterfeit Kingdom of God and causes people to cling to the earth rather than hope for Heaven.

The Passion Translation’s Mistreatment of Psalm 19 | What Is The NAR?

Chiasms and More: This analysis looks at the accuracy of The Passion Translation and asks if it can be really relied on for serious study. He very openly talks about what a cataclysmic train wreck the translation is and shouldn’t even be called a translation.

Wretched: False Prophet Fiasco

Wretched: Watch what happens when one minute the “Prophetess” says the man is a “man of God,” and then the next minute is calling him of the devil. Which is it that that Lord is saying?

Bill Johnson’s Theology and Movement Examined Biblically

Mike Winger: Come with an open mind and an open Bible. We will try to really understand what’s going on with this movement, what’s up with their theology and how we ought to respond to it.

Bill Johnson – Bethel Church | False Teaching | Trips to Heaven

Frederick Bruce: Exposing the error—“Piercing the Darkness” Prophetic Conference, Bethel Church – Redding, CA.

Wolves Not Sparing the Flock (Part 1) | Jan Markell

Olive Tree Ministries Resources: Jan Markell spends the hour with parents who lost their daughter to Bethel Church, Redding, CA, and the New Apostolic Reformation in part 1 of a 2-part program. Learn the tactics used, the efforts to rescue Caitlin, and how to prevent this happening to someone you love. What is the Kundalini spirit? Learn what happens when signs and wonders are taken too far. Dirk & Joan Miller are willing to respond to you by writing them at


Comments (11)

  1. Thanks for revealing this false doctrine and the error of the Passion Bible. My prayer group leader has it and promotes it. Also the group is also putting the shofar into their prayer life as a tool to cast out demonic activities. Also reading about a woman who goes to heaven regularly. Is this wrong.

    1. Hi Joan, Thanks so much for reaching out sister. It is highly unfortunate that so many in the Church are using The Passion Translation (TPT). The fact that the lead “translator” (which he self-proclaims to be just as he does as thinking he’s an apostle), Brion Simmons has made some incredible errors where he’s removed the personal name of God (YHWH) from various portions of the Scripture, specifically in the Psalms where The Name was strictly and indisputably placed within those portions for a reason. He has taken it upon himself to decide what stays and what he thinks is admissible in his effort to produce the best lyrical, imaginative and romantic version of the Bible as possible. It’s one thing to use creative license concerning syntax with a novel that you have authored yourself, but when forming your own version of the Bible, that’s quite another case.

      Regarding using the blowing of shofars to cast out demons, etc…. without really knowing these people and the actual context in which they are operating, honestly it’s a bit of a touchy subject to determine their soundness and here’s why. The Lord is not limited to our understanding and He directs different people in different ways concerning spiritual warfare. The bottom line is are they following Jesus according to His Word, the Scripture. So many Christians can get off on craziness because they’re not looking to the example of Scripture and they’re just following the crowd. I would suggest that you be very cautious in agreeing with this practice as we don’t need to add to the finished work of Jesus where He victoriously conquered sin and the enemy at the cross.

      You commented about a woman who regularly takes trips to heaven… well from a biblical stance, I’m not buying it at all. That’s complete and total garbage and it’s typical of NAR practices for virtue-signaling to each other that they are more spiritual than the next person. Please take a look at my other post below where the Bible clearly does not promote this dilution and heresy!

  2. Thanks for sharing. I’d also like to point you to a couple of recently updated sources to add to your well-researched repertoire. No need to print this comment, just consider sharing the content. God bless :

    🔹 July 27, 2019: Melissa Dougherty’s video review of the book “The Physics of Heaven”, which elaborates on Bethel’s false New Age beliefs and practices such as communicating with spirit guides and angels, crystals, astral projection (visiting glory realms), speaking things into existence, trances, power objects, while wrongly asserting that these unbiblical practices actually belong to the church,

    🔹While Pastor Mike Winger’s first video examining Bethel’s theology was released last February 2018, as the evidence mounts, he now wonders if he should have been “more harsh”. In this 4 minute clip released on June 25, 2019, Pastor Mike adds to the voices of concerned Christians, and offers a sound biblically based examination of Bethel’s repertoire of alleged prophetic activation tools, including prophetic Uno, art and destiny leggings.

    🔹November 16, 2019: Melissa Dougherty’s video review of Bill Johnson’s book, “When Heaven Invades Earth” which explains Bethel’s dominionist/kingdom now theology,

    🔹In this updated podcast released September 19, 2019, Pastor Mike Winger describes the Apostolic Network/NAR movement, its false teachings and the serious concerns that are arising out of it, 🎬 Start at the 6 minute mark.

    1. Hi Amy, Wow! Those resource links are incredible. Yes, I have heard about the book “The Physics of Heaven,” which is leading many new believers astray from the gospel. It’s sad when mankind thinks we need to add to what God has already revealed in His Word. I will be sure to spend the time and add these valuable and insightful resource links to the article. Thanks once again and God bless you. Also, if you do get a chance, please check out my latest article on Grace. Have a wonderful day. – Coffee Scribe

  3. This is one of the hardest post I have read today. I just wanted to switch it off as I felt sickened to my soul. I did watch it all and yes, the only answer to the abomination of these NAR teachers and teachings is prayer. Thank you for all your hard work putting this together but I am in tears right now. May God Almighty continue to bless and protect you, in Jesus Name.

    1. Hi Carol, I share your same feelings as it was extremely hard to both research and write. I was actually horrified the deeper I dug much like peeling back the layers of an old barn floor only to find maggots and rotten material. There was a point in which I finally had to just say enough and then compile the article even though I was greatly saddened and disgusted too. Hats off to you for getting through it as many of my friends did as well. God bless you and keep in prayer and the Word.

  4. Very good information. One point–there are many, many orthodox (not Orthodox) Christians who are non-dispensational and definitely NOT part of the NAR. Amillennialism does not necessarily mean a belief that Jesus came back in 70. The Eschatology discussion is a separate and complicated issue between totally orthodox Christians, Christians who would have nothing to do with super-apostles, visitations, heavenly visits, etc.

    1. Hi Laurie,
      I have now updated that particular point of yours on this blog post article. Feedback is always welcome. Your point was very important and therefore this post as been revised to reflect your information. Thanks and God bless you.
      – Coffee Scribe

  5. Thank you for sharing this great resource. I have friends and family contacting me about the NAR and their tenements of deception. Will share on social media and my own website. Again, thank you for your work. God bless.

    1. Hello Noel, thanks for your comment. I appreciate your sharing of this post and information in the fight to combat the deception that is invading the Church. Thanks once again.
      – Coffee Scribe

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