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Types And Shadows, Idioms, Pre-trib Rapture, Harpazo, Enoch, Moses, Elijah, Jesus, Out Testament Saints, Philip, Apostle John, Catching Away, Caught Away, Caught Up, Snatch Up, Come Up Here, Come Up Hither, 1 These. 4:16-17, Revelation, Typology, Pre-trib, Pre-tribulation Rapture

Types and Shadows of a Pre-trib Rapture

Jan Markell | Modern Churches and the Rapture | Prophecy Watchers


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Todd, the error you are making here is not differentiating between types / shadows of the pre-trib Rapture (which is a Scriptural certainty)…and types / shadows of Jewish / Hebrew people and groups in the Bible being saved through / delivered from trouble or tribulation. Any time an OT Bible story involves a Jew, it will be a type of being saved through tribulation. Examples: Noah and the other (7) on the ark, the Exodus, Esther, Jonah, the Jews being kept through Assyrian / Babylonian captivity, Shadrech-Meshech-Abednego being saved in the fiery furnace, Daniel being saved in the lion’s den, etc. Enoch and Elijah are exceptions to this, because they were actually taken up to Heaven without seeing death…and thus, I believe they will be the Two Witnesses, because I don’t personally believe Moses will be asked to die a 2nd time – Hebrews 9:27 KJV. In addition to the good examples that the Coffee Scribe gave here…the story of Ruth is an obvious example of a pre-trib Rapture, by way of a Kinsman Redeemer.

  2. I didn’t see any types of a PreTribulation rapture. They are rapture types, but none of them mentioned any tribulation in relation to them. In fact, the two witnesses are raptured AFTER they are killed.

    1. Hi Todd, yes, the two witnesses are in fact raptured after they are killed is correct. In regard to pre-, mid-, or post- for the rapture; that is something that will always be up for debate among the body of believers in Christ. Many of my very good friends, as well as family members all hold different viewpoints from the same Scriptures as so do I too. I used to be able to teach a post- view as that is what I had believed, but over time my heart and mind were changed. I guess we just need to make sure that whatever view or position that we hold, that we do it in faith and in love with the Lord and with one another.

      1. But you said that they are excellent example that foreshadow a PreTrib rapture. But they don’t. Isn’t it dishonest to say they do, when they don’t? Wouldn’t Elijah’s rapture typify Christ’s ascension, seeing that he leaves a double portion of his spirit to Elisha, a type of the Church, who does “greater things”? And if Enoch typifies the PreTrib rapture of the Church, why is there another generation (Methusaleh) between him and Noah. It seems to me that the Ark represents Christ ( as the true Temple), and all who enter into the Ark are saved. And who are those who enter into Him? The Church? If all those in the Ark represent those who are in Christ, who does Enoch, who was rapture because he please the Lord, represent? Who in Scripture is represented and the one in whom God is well pleased?
        And what about Moses? “And be ready against the third day: for the third day the LORD will come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai.” Will the PreTrib rapture be “in the sight of all people? Please be honest, and stop using Scripture to prove something that isn’t there. You claim to encourage honest though and dialog, but your thoughts and dialog are not honest. I’ve though about the facts presented on your blog, and have found them wanting.

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